Career Woman
There was a day when I woke up and realized…
My entire “career,” to date, has basically been: feeding people, cleaning toilets, and corralling annoying children.
And then I woke up and was like…
What if that’s really what makes the world go round?
What if I get to do that for the rest of my life?
What if I just chuck my stuff in with his stuff and crusaded against those Seven Deadly Demons (Pride/Lust/Anger/Covetousness/Envy/Sloth/Gluttony) together for the rest of my life?
So when you come to the realization that you do not want to be a tragic hero and end your life in sadness and despair…
and you do not want to be a selfish ass…
and you do not fear poverty because everyone dies as naked as the day they are born…
and you as a beloved child of God are worth more than just your pocketbook…
and your priorities in life now go like this: God, my man, la familia, college bestie, everyone else…
One might begin to consider doing what we Catholics call the Corporal Works of Mercy:
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Give shelter to travelers
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead